Wes Faulkner's career began 30 years ago as a prosecutor in the Major Offense Bureau of the Jefferson County Attorney’s Offices. He handled Death Penalty cases, large scale embezzlement cases, and highly publicized political cases, including the bribery case of Attorney General Greg Holmes and Diane Shafer.

Courier Journal Articles About the Case

March 30, 1993 - Marriage
March 31, 1993 - Bribery trial opens with talk of cash, cruise
April 6, 1993 - Witness expected to say surgeon offered to get case fixed for $10,000
April 8, 1993 - 3rd woman tried to pass as the wife of Holmes
April 9, 1993 - Ring Shafer says she got for Holmes fits him
April 15, 1995 - Jury finds pair guilty in bigamy bribery case